Lily Armstrong

23, based in London & Belfast, NI.  

Second Year Politics & Philosophy student at Queen's University Belfast

Open to freelance opportunities.

What’s the craic: an insight into Belfast’s music scene

Growing up in London – the UK’s capital and (arguably) home to the UK’s best nightlife – I was shocked to find myself so enamoured with Belfast’s nightlife. See, I’m one of those annoying Londoners that thinks London is a place like no other, which is true in many ways. But is often accompanied with the assumption that London is better than everywhere else at everything. Belfast changed my mind about that.

What’s next for ‘Generation Covid’?

I am one of many young people in the UK whose plans have been road-blocked because of the coronavirus pandemic, and more importantly, the government’s poor management of it. So many opportunities and resources for young people have been stripped, leaving detrimental impacts on the young people beginning to forge their own paths. What will this mean for the so-called ‘Generation Covid’ in years to come? By Lily Armstrong.

30 million Brits eligible for the flu vaccine

You get a flu shot! You get a flu shot! Everybody gets a flu shot! The government has expanded eligibility for the flu vaccination in a bid to reduce pressure on the NHS. By Lily Armstrong. In the ‘biggest ever’ flu vaccination programme, 30 million Brits will now be eligible. This is part of the plan to protect vulnerable people and support the NHS during the Coronavirus pandemic, especially as a second wave is predicted in the not-so-distant future.

Was lockdown an introvert's paradise?

When the world went into lockdown earlier this year, the responses were a mixed bag. Twitter (of course) was quick to the meme-making, since we all love a ‘omg #relatable’ moment. By Lily Armstrong There was a significant shift in the way the world functions when Covid-19 hit. Psychologist Anja Stadelmann Wright says we were living a “chronically extroverted lifestyle” – face-to-face meetings were considered more productive and Friday nights meant heading to the liveliest club or bar.

Coronavirus and Revenge Porn: What’s the link?

The pandemic has changed life as we know it. One unexpected impact – the increase in revenge porn. This phenomenon is on the rise, but what does Coronavirus have to do with it? By Lily Armstrong. Intimate image abuse or ‘revenge porn’ is the distribution of sexually explicit images or videos of individuals without their consent. Often, the sharing of these images are done with the intention to cause distress. Around two thirds of cases reported to the helpline involve women. It became a crimi

Justice for Breonna Taylor? The Historic Settlement explained...

The family of Breonna Taylor received a $12 million settlement from Louisville officials. This is the largest ever payout on behalf of the Louisville police. But is it what the Taylor family deserve? By Lily Armstrong The short answer: no. Many are still calling for the officers who shot and killed Breonna Taylor to be charged. In an emotional statement, Taylor’s mother Tamika Palmer, stated that this was just the beginning of their fight for justice. However, the settlement and police reforms

What Comes to Mind When You Think of a Feminist?

What comes to mind when you think of a feminist? For those with a positive view, you probably imagine a person who strives for equality of all people, regardless of gender, race or religion, with no image of a specific person popping to mind. However, if feminism holds more negative connotations to you, you may think of the stereotypical white, middle class woman who is too focused on the issue of her own oppression to acknowledge any other issues. This may also lead to the belief that feminism